Michael is now working at Prieto Battery, we are excited to see all the amazing things you are going to accomplish!
DARPA Riser JT presents at DARPA Forward
Congrats to JT for presenting his research at the DARPA Forward conference at CSU!
Congrats to Luke!
Congrats to Luke Salzer for being accepted into Argonne National Laboratories National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering!
Rafael and Esther travel for summer research opportunities!
Congrats to PhD Student Rafael Almaraz for earning the Penn State 2-Dimensional Crystal Consortium Resident Scholar Visitor Program fellowship!
Congrats to undergraduate Esther van de Lagemaat for being accepted into the Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials REU at Penn State this Summer!
Undergraduates Esther and Ben join the group!
Esther van de Lagemaat and Ben Bullock joined the group in winter 2020. Esther will grow 2D materials and Ben will be building up a microscopy setup.
PhD student Rafael Almaraz joins the group!
Rafael, a PhD student from CSU’s School of Advanced Materials & Discovery (SAMD), joins the group. Rafa will work on our 2D materials project. Welcome Rafa!
Sambur Lab earns NSF CAREER award!
This project focuses on the discovery of design principles for safe, fast-charging, and long-lasting Li-ion battery materials. In coordination with the Natural Sciences Education Outreach Center, we will develop low-cost microscopes with experiential learning activities tailored to different age groups to promote microscopy education in the State of Colorado.
Two new PhD Students! Welcome Justin and Dani!
We welcome Justin Toole and Dani Lustig to our team! Justin will advance our understanding of 2D materials and Dani will advance our understanding of energy flow between nanocrystals and molecules.
The lab earns a 2020 DOE Early Career Award!
The lab’s photoelectrochemistry work on 2D materials will be supported for the next five years by DOE’s Early Career Research Program. See Lauren Brigandi’s article here.