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- Justin gives a talk at the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) in Golden, CO.
- The Sambur Group welcomes first year graduate students Colby Evans, Allan Isenberg, and Zach Nilsson!
- The Sambur group welcomes undergraduate researcher Trista Punt!
- Justin presents a seminar at the University of Northern Colorado.
- Justin is awarded the United States Air Force Young Investigator Award to study ultrathin photovoltaics.
- We welcome Dr. Li Wang from North Dakota State University as a research scholar.
- We welcome Dr. Michael Todt from Cornell University as a postdoctoral associate.
- Justin presents a seminar in the Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering Fall Seminar Series at Colorado State University.
- We welcome Victoria Bachtell as an undergraduate researcher!
- The Sambur group doubles in size! We welcome Hannah Goodman from CU-Boulder as an undergraduate researcher!
- Justin’s paper on distinguishing photoelectrochemical reaction mechanisms is accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. C.
- Justin joins the Chemistry Department at CSU!
- Justin is highlighted as a SUNY-Binghamton Chemistry alumnus.