Travis Varra successfully defended his MS thesis. Travis advanced two projects in the group: (1) a homemade smart phone microscope for microscopy education, and (2) chemical vapor deposition of monolayer MoS2. Congrats Travis!
Congrats to Colby, Li, and Zach
Congrats to 4th year PhD students Colby and Zach on their papers being accepted to ChemElectroChem and ACS Energy Letters. Colby’s work focuses on electrochemical energy storage and Zach gave his perspective on single molecule imaging techniques in the field of photoelectrochemistry. Postdoc Li Wang’s work focuses on the optical and photoelectrochemical properties of monolayer MoS2 in interdigitated array electrodes (ACS Appl Mater Interfaces).
Microscopy activity published in J Chem Ed
Undergraduate students Travis (now MS student!), Amy, and Benton developed a cool microscopy activity (now online here). Students build a TIRF microscope and use it to image single nanoparticles. The activity helps students observe the optical diffraction limit, which was the subject of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Three new graduate students join the group!
Welcome to new group members Rachelle, Luke, and Dakota! Excited to see all the amazing work you will do!
Li’s paper accepted in Nano Letters!
Li’s paper revealed charge carrier recombination and transport pathways as a function of excitation energy and stacking orientation. Great work Li! Thanks to Prof. Hua Chen in Physics for photocurrent simulations.
Paper accepted in Analytical Chemistry
Colby developed an optically-detected electrochemical imaging technique to study Li-ion insertion processes in single nanoparticles. Optically detected cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry of single nanoparticles is quite different than nanoparticle clusters and the bulk.
Perspective article accepted in the Journal of Chemical Physics
Congrats to Li and Merranda! Their Perspective Article on Single Nanoparticle Photoelectrochemistry has been accepted for publication in J Chem Phys.
Michael passes his candidacy exam!
Congratulations to Michael on passing his candidacy exam and becoming a Ph.D. candidate earlier this week!
Justin is selected as a 2019 Scialog Fellow
Justin was selected by the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement as 2019 Scialog Fellow. Justin will participate in the 2019 Scialog: Advanced Energy Storage program.
Lacey and Christy both pass their Thesis Defense!
Congratulations to group members Lacey and Christy for both passing their thesis defense and graduating with their Masters! Good luck to you both!